Technology To Build Community

Community is one of the most important aspects of life. Community is where one can build relationships, foster relationships, and grow as an individual. Reflecting on our work through YourTechQ, I feel as if we are using technology to build community. Not only have we been introduced to many new skilled people, but we are also getting to work with these individuals to expand our work. Through all these new relationships that we are building, it feels like we are creating a community of our own. Technology ties into this as it is what is bringing us all together. When we start communicating with someone about the potential work we can do in the community or build partnerships, it is because of the impact of technology. Through this, we get the opportunity to discuss providing help and spreading awareness about the digital divide through YourTechQ. If the partnership or workshop ends up being successful, we get to help the other side of the community with technology by teaching them how to use it. It is like YourTechQ is bridging both communities together. Not only do we teach others, but we also get the opportunity to learn a lot through all these connections and experiences. Whether it be communication skills, application skills, or even how to approach others, we are learning an immense amount of skills from those helping us succeed and those who we are helping. Without all the support we are receiving from others, it wouldn’t be possible to accomplish what we are doing. It feels great to know that not only through YourTechQ we can help others, but we are also learning, growing, and receiving support through YourTechQ. It feels like we can work together because of technology, and technology is the collective factor that is bringing us all together.

- Anisha Dasgupta


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